Camin de batrani Alexia - Camin ingrijire batrani, Azil de batrani - Pitesti, jud. Arges
Services offered:
●  Recreation area, equipped with TV sets
●  Living-room at the ground-floor for those people having locomotory issues
●  Own kitchen + dining room
●  Spacious courtyard with relaxation areas
●  The relaxation area has fruit trees and ornamental shrubs
●  Permanent supervision
●  3 meals a day + snacks between meals
●  Basic medical supervision
●  Drug administration
●  Weekly GP visit
●  Body hygiene
●  Hygiene of the rooms
●  Full room-service
●  Hairdressing, haircuting, manicure, pedicure, cosmetics services
●  Newspapers and magazines daily
●  Religious services
●  Organised trips (on request for a minimum group)
Design   by:   RAFIL   HOUSE